Friday, August 17, 2012

She's Got Legs

The doctor visit this week (August 16) wasn't too interesting, but I did find out that I have good blood!

They did an integrated serum test to find out about the chances of Down Syndrome and neural tube defects in the pregnancy. Luckily, everything came back negative, which means things are looking good. 

I can't even imagine how hard it has to be for doctors to have to tell people bad news. I am very thankful for this "uninteresting" visit! 

The ultrasound technician didn't have to beat me up with the stick today, which was good, because last time, she stabbed me so hard in the gut. I felt it for hours.

We even got a shot of Miss Sassy Legs.

My back is still killing me. I think it's my sacrum/coccyx area. I seriously have to do these stretches that make it look like I am about to take a dump on the floor. These are the only positions where I get some relief from the stabbing pain. It also amuses the crap (no poop pun intended) out of my husband.

I made these cookies that I saw on Pinterest, because I thought they looked delicious. I didn't think about the fact that they contain absolutely no flour...they are like diabetes cookies. I only ate one, because I don't think I could live with myself if I ate more than one right now. I had to send them home with our friend, Matt. I hope I don't find him in a coma tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awww!! she's so cute! I got you a couple cute little things for baby Spackle! Can't wait to hold her !